© Visit Luxembourg
Minett Germany France

25 Station to station Kayl - Schifflange - Esch-sur-Alzette

Starting point
Kayl train station
Esch-sur-Alzette train station
21,71 km
6:05 h
  • Condition
  • Technique
Highest point
425 Hm
Lowest point
291 Hm
Aggregated Ascent
312 Hm
Aggregated Descent
384 Hm
Distance trails Visit Luxembourg


Scenic Refreshment stops available
Hike from train station to station, from Kayl via Schifflange towards Esch-sur-Alzette

Hike from the town of Kayl-Tetingen through the Brucherbierg-Lalléngerbierg nature reserve and past Schifflingen to the city of Esch-sur-Alzette. Enjoy the freshness of nature, which begins just a few minutes outside the cities and enjoy a wonderful calm. All start and end points of the hike can be easily reached by bus and train.

Suggestions nearby

25 Station to station Kayl - Schifflange - Esch-sur-Alzette

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  • © Pulsa Pictures ORT Sud
    Nature reserve "Ellergronn"
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  • © Administration des Eaux et Forêts / LFT
    Museum of the Cockerill Mine at Ellergronn
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  • © Escher Bamhauscafé
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  • Escher Déierepark - Animal Park
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  • Dolce & Piccante
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  • Nature reserve "Brucherbierg - Lallengerbierg"
    A unique walk among butterflies and orchids
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  • © Claude Piscitelli / LFT
    Centre nature et forêt Ellergronn
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