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100% Minett

Hiking - Minett Trail

90 kilometres of nature and history are just a short hike away; discover the "Minett Trail" and experience the deep connection that the region has to nature. So take the first step and dive deep into a rich world of biodiversity in the Minett region's nature reserves and find out why this remarkable region is also called the "Terres Rouges" ("Land of the red rocks"). Ten different stages, connecting all of the major cities and tourist hubs, allow you to discover this unique region at your own speed.

MTB - RedRock Mountainbike Trails

Nature reserves turned adventure park - the sheer cliff faces, the drops, the challenging terrain: The former mining areas of the Minett region are the ideal playground for adventurous mountain bikers, giving you adrenaline rush after adrenaline rush.

But it's also important to respect the delicate balance of these nature reserves and wildlife sanctuaries; this is why we've set up several different Mountain Biking Trails, fully signposted and with several starting points and infrastructure, to allow you to discover the thrills of the Minett region without trouble. So enjoy responsibly and stay on the official paths, lest you disturb the delicate natural order.

Industrial heritage and history - Minett Tour

De Minett, as Luxembourgers refer to the region in the south of Luxembourg, derives its name from the glowing red iron ore that dominates the natural landscape. The ferrous ore made a substantial contribution to the Grand Duchy’s economic development and rapid rise in prosperity during the mid-19th century.

Following the steel crisis in the 1970s, Luxembourg underwent a successful structural change and embarked upon a new economic course. Fortunately, however, numerous remnants from the bygone steel era remained intact and an area holding fascinating attractions for visitors developed. They've formed a route of industrial heritage called the "Minett Tour", each site featuring different topics of interest. They guide visitors of all ages through the history of the Luxembourg steel industry up to the present day and indeed into the future ...

The sites are all quite unique and exude a charm all of their own. Throughout the year, folk festivals, music and art festivals, concerts and exhibitions, dance and theatre productions magically transform the locations, most of which are heritage sites.

Road cycling - Minett Cycle

150 km of biking throughout a historic, culturally diverse region in the south of Luxembourg: The "Minett Cycle" invites you to (re)discover its region like never before. Leading throughout the entire Minett Region, this cycling tour allows you to visit all major touristic and cultural highlights from the comfort of your own saddle, and at your own speed.


Motor Touring - Tour am Minett

The "Tour am Minett" is the ideal opportunity for petrolheads to discover a unique region. 90km of drivers roads are awaiting your visit. As you drive accross it, the Minett region will show off its beauty: vast nature reserves in the former mining areas, big renaturation projects and well preserved historical industrial sites are waiting to be discovered. Take a quick pit stop, hike into one of the lush nature reserves on foot and immerse yourself - and be astounded by how calm, quiet and relaxed it can be, just a short walk away from the hustle and bustle of the modern world.

See how the region continues to reinvent themselves, either by turning existing infrastructure into something new or builds on strong foundations. As you drive accross some of the larger towns and cities, you'll see unmistakeable signs of the industrial heritage of this region; a heritage that has influenced landscape, society, culture, architecture and more.

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