© Pulsa Pictures_ORT SUD

Nature & Tours

A walk for all seasons

Welcome to the enchanting Minett region, where nature’s beauty unfolds across every season. Our hiking trails offer a diverse landscape, inviting explorers to discover the rich flora, scenic vistas, and hidden gems unique to each time of year. Whether you're seeking the tranquility of lush forests, meadows and flowers in full bloom, the refreshing shade of forests during the heat of the summer, the vibrant colors of changing leaves, or the serene blanket of snow, our trails promise an unforgettable adventure. Embrace the outdoors and let each step reveal the natural wonders of this captivating region.

Keep it natural

The nature in the South of Luxembourg is strongly marked by its past. Ore exploitation, industrial hotspots and the need for more space to live and work has shaped the landscape immensely. Nowadays, the entire area is peppered with nature reserves, preserving the common heritage.

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15 results
Nature reserve "Dumontshaff"
Nature reserve "Dumontshaff"
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© CIGL Esch
Maison Rosati
A night amidst nature
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Nature reserve "Beetebuerger Bësch"
Nature reserve "Beetebuerger Bësch"
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Nature reserve "Brucherbierg - Lallengerbierg"
A unique walk among butterflies and orchids
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Park Gaalgebierg
A refreshing piece of green not far from the city center
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Escher Déierepark - Animal Park
A real paradise for nature lovers, just a short trip from city centre
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Nature reserve "Brill"
Nature reserve "Brill"
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Nature reserve "Kiemerchen / Scheiergronn / Groussebësch"
Nature reserve "Kiemerchen / Scheiergronn / Groussebësch"
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Nature reserve "Um Bierg"
Nature reserve "Um Bierg"
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© Pulsa Pictures ORT Sud
Nature reserve "Ellergronn"
From mining to nature reserve
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Nature reserve "Haard-Hesselsbierg-Staebierg"
The largest nature reserve in the country
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Nature reserve "Prënzebierg - Giele Botter"
Nature has the final word
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Minett - UNESCO Biosphere Reserve
The Minett region - officially a UNESCO Biosphere Reserve
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© Pulsa Pictures - ORT SUD
Nature reserve Léiffrächen
Discover how the iron ore exploitation has lef its marks on the region and its nature
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Den Escher Bio Geméisguart
The Bio Geméisguart in Esch combines social, environmental and economic aspects with organic vegetable production.
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